, React Three Fiber Tutorial
February 5, 2024
February 5, 2024
A simple yet effective solution for combining React Three Fiber and for multiplayer game development. The project aims to demonstrate how to integrate a .glb format 3D model into a React application using TypeScript and then synchronize this model in real-time across multiple users with the help of
The project will consist of two main steps. First, we will create the client side, which includes a .glb file that reacts to mouse clicks with animation. The second step involves creating the server side, which will be connected to the client side created earlier.
Uploading and accessing the .glb file to follow the click location
POWERSHELLmkdir client
POWERSHELLnpm create vite@latest
Choose React + TypeScript + SWC
POWERSHELLnpm install three @types/three @react-three/fiber @react-three/drei
For future server access
POWERSHELLnpm install
We will create the camera, canvas, lighting, and a plane.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/App.tsximport { Canvas } from "@react-three/fiber";import { Scene } from "./Scene";function App() {return (<><Canvascamera={{fov: 60,near: 0.1,far: 300,position: [0, 7, 8],><Scene /></Canvas></>);}export default App;
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/Scene.tsximport { Environment, OrbitControls } from "@react-three/drei";import * as THREE from "three"export const Scene = () => {return (<><Environment preset="sunset" /><ambientLight intensity={0.2} /><directionalLightposition={[5, 5, 5]}/><OrbitControls makeDefault /><meshrotation-x={-Math.PI / 2}><planeGeometry args={[20, 10]} /><meshStandardMaterial color="#70543E" /></mesh></>);};
In the final result, we already see a plane.
Copy the previously downloaded Dog.glb file into the public directory.
Create the GLB file handler with gltfjsx. So, run the following code:
POWERSHELLnpx gltfjsx public/Dog.glb -o src/components/Dog.tsx --transformlb --transform --types
The created file appears in the src/components directory. Afterward, we add it to the previously created Scene.tsx file.
POWERSHELL//client/src/Scene.tsximport { Dog } from "./components/Dog";...<meshrotation-x={-Math.PI / 2}><planeGeometry args={[20, 10]} /><meshStandardMaterial color="#70543E" /></mesh><Dogposition={new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0)}dogColor={character.dogColor}/></>);};
We will enhance the App.tsx, Scene.tsx, and Dog.tsx files by adding the necessary shadows.
The shadows attribute enables the use of shadows within the Canvas element.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/App.tsx<Canvascamera={{fov: 60,near: 0.1,far: 300,position: [0, 7, 8],}}shadows>
The castShadow attribute enables the projection of shadows by the light source. If this is not enabled, the light source will not create shadows on objects, which can reduce the visual realism and sense of space in the 3D scene. This attribute is false by default, so it must be explicitly set to true to enable shadows.
The shadow-camera-left, shadow-camera-right, shadow-camera-top, and shadow-camera-bottom attributes allow us to set the boundaries of the shadow casting camera's visibility frustum. These settings determine how wide and high the area where the shadow is calculated and displayed. If these settings are not optimized for our scene, it may result in shadows not appearing correctly or being completely absent from certain areas.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/Scene.tsx...<Environment preset="sunset" /><ambientLight intensity={0.2} /><directionalLightposition={[5, 5, 5]}castShadowshadow-camera-left={-10}shadow-camera-right={10}shadow-camera-top={10}shadow-camera-bottom={-10}/><OrbitControls makeDefault /><meshrotation-x={-Math.PI / 2}receiveShadow><planeGeometry args={[20, 10]} /><meshStandardMaterial color="#70543E" />...
And add castShadow and receiveShadow to the dog as well.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/components/Dog.tsx...<skinnedMeshname="Dog"geometry={dogGeom.geometry}material={materials.AtlasMaterial}skeleton={dogGeom.skeleton}rotation={[-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]}scale={100}castShadowreceiveShadow>...
After clicking on the plane, the dog will move from its current location to the click location.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/Scene.tsximport { Environment, OrbitControls, useCursor } from "@react-three/drei";import { useState } from "react";import { Dog } from "./components/Dog";import * as THREE from "three";export const Scene = () => {const [onFloor, setOnFloor] = useState(false);const [dogPosition, setDogPosition] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 });const handlePlaneClick = (e: { point: { x: number; z: number; }; }) => {// Frissítsük a kutya pozícióját az új értékekre, ahol a felhasználó kattintottsetDogPosition({ x: e.point.x, y: e.point.y, z: e.point.z });};useCursor(onFloor);return (...<meshrotation-x={-Math.PI / 2}onClick={handlePlaneClick}onPointerEnter={() => setOnFloor(true)}onPointerLeave={() => setOnFloor(false)}receiveShadow><planeGeometry args={[20, 10]} /><meshStandardMaterial color="#70543E" /></mesh><Dogposition={new THREE.Vector3(dogPosition.x, dogPosition.y, dogPosition.z)}dogColor={"#222222"}/>...
We consider the distance of the dog from its current to its future location, and if the distance between the two is greater than 0.1, then the system switches to a run animation.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/components/Dog.tsximport * as THREE from "three";import { useEffect, useRef, useMemo, useState } from "react";import { useGLTF, useAnimations } from "@react-three/drei";import { useFrame, useGraph } from "@react-three/fiber";import { SkeletonUtils } from "three-stdlib";import { DogProps } from "../lib/types";const SPEED = 0.1;export function Dog({ dogColor = "green", ...props }: DogProps) {// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-depsconst position = useMemo(() => props.position, []);const group = useRef<THREE.Group>(null);const { scene, materials, animations } = useGLTF("/Dog-transformed.glb");const clone = useMemo(() => SkeletonUtils.clone(scene), [scene]);const { nodes } = useGraph(clone);const { actions } = useAnimations(animations, group);const [animation, setAnimation] = useState("AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|Idle");const dogGeom = nodes.Dog as THREE.SkinnedMesh;useEffect(() => {const currentAction = actions[animation];if (currentAction) {currentAction.reset().fadeIn(0.32).play();return () => {currentAction.fadeOut(0.32);};}}, [actions, animation]);useFrame(() => {// Ensure the group and its target position are definedif (!group.current || !props.position) {return;}// Calculate the distance to the target positionconst distance = group.current.position.distanceTo(props.position);// Check if the character needs to moveif (distance > 0.1) {// Calculate the direction vector towards the target positionconst direction = props.position.clone().sub(group.current.position).normalize();// Move the character towards the target positionconst moveStep = direction.multiplyScalar(SPEED);group.current.position.add(moveStep);// Make the character face the target positiongroup.current.lookAt(props.position);// Switch to the "run" animation if not already runningif (animation !== "AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|Run") {setAnimation("AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|Run");}} else {// Switch to the "idle" animation if not already idle and the character is close enough to the target positionif (animation !== "AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|Idle") {setAnimation("AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|AnimalArmature|Idle");}}});...
Multiplayer game development involves setting up and managing communication between the client and server, allowing players to see and interact with each other in real-time within a shared virtual space. Below, we will demonstrate how to create a simple multiplayer infrastructure using a server and client-side application that utilizes for communication.
POWERSHELLmkdir server
POWERSHELLnpm i nodemon
Modify the package.json to start the server
JSON//server/package.json"scripts": {"dev": "nodemon index.js"},
Through, we can manage our character's position, color, and handle position changes whenever one character moves. In the current example, we will create a simple Map system, which ensures that every key is unique, facilitating the management of entities, especially when dynamically adding or removing elements. This is particularly useful in multiplayer games, where each player or character has a unique identifier.
For newly created characters, we will set a random position and a random brown color.
JAVASCRIPT//server/index.jsimport { Server } from "";const io = new Server({cors: {origin: "http://localhost:5173",},});io.listen(3001);const characters = new Map();const randomPosition = () => {return [Math.random() * 10, 0, Math.random() * 3];};const randomBrownHexColor = () => {const red = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 100;const green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30) + 70;const blue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 30;// Convert the components to hexadecimal and format the colorconst hexColor = `#${red.toString(16)}${green.toString(16)}${blue.toString(16)}`;return hexColor;};io.on("connection", (socket) => {console.log("user connected");// Add character to Mapcharacters.set(, {id:,position: randomPosition(),dogColor: randomBrownHexColor()});// Emit all characters to all clientsio.emit("characters", Array.from(characters.values()));socket.on("move", (position) => {if (characters.has( {const character = characters.get(;character.position = position;// Emit updated charactersio.emit("characters", Array.from(characters.values()));}});socket.on("disconnect", () => {console.log("user disconnected");// Remove character from Mapcharacters.delete(;// Emit updated charactersio.emit("characters", Array.from(characters.values()));});});
We will create an additional file to manage We'll update the characters and connection data with the server side.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/components/SocketProvider.tsximport React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";import { Character, SocketProviderProps } from "../lib/types";import { SocketContext, socket } from "../lib/constants";export const SocketProvider: React.FC<SocketProviderProps> = ({ children }) => {const [characters, setCharacters] = useState<Character[]>([]);useEffect(() => {const handleCharactersUpdate = (newCharacters: React.SetStateAction<Character[]>) => {setCharacters(newCharacters);};socket.on("connect", () => console.log("Connected"));socket.on("characters", handleCharactersUpdate);// Return a cleanup function that correctly performs cleanup without returning a valuereturn () => {"connect");"characters", handleCharactersUpdate);};}, []);return (<SocketContext.Provider value={{ characters }}>{children}</SocketContext.Provider>);};
We will create a separate file for the constants to be exported, from where they will be easily accessible.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/lib/constants.tsimport { io } from "";import { SocketContextType } from "./types";import { createContext, useContext } from "react";export const socket = io("http://localhost:3001");export const SocketContext = createContext<SocketContextType>({characters: [],});export const useSocket = () => useContext(SocketContext);
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/lib/types.tsimport { ReactNode } from "react";export interface Character {dogColor: string;id: string;position: [number, number, number];}export type DogProps = {dogColor?: string;position: THREE.Vector3;};export interface SocketContextType {characters: Character[];}export interface SocketProviderProps {children: ReactNode;}
Enhancing the App.tsx
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/App.tsximport { Canvas } from "@react-three/fiber";import { Scene } from "./Scene";import { SocketProvider } from "./components/SocketProvider";function App() {return (<><SocketProvider><Canvascamera={{fov: 60,near: 0.1,far: 300,position: [0, 7, 8],}}shadows><Scene /></Canvas></SocketProvider></>);}export default App;
Updating Scene.tsx to not only create one character but all of them. Thus, with the move changes, we now send the positions to the server and forward them to all other client sides.
TYPESCRIPT//client/src/Scene.tsximport { Environment, OrbitControls, useCursor } from "@react-three/drei";import { useState } from "react";import { Dog } from "./components/Dog";import { socket, useSocket } from "./lib/constants";import * as THREE from "three";export const Scene = () => {const { characters } = useSocket();const [onFloor, setOnFloor] = useState(false);const [, setPosition] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 });const handlePlaneClick = (e: { point: { x: number; z: number } }) => {const newPosition = { x: e.point.x, y: 0, z: e.point.z };setPosition(newPosition);// The new updated code send to serversocket.emit("move", [newPosition.x, newPosition.y, newPosition.z]);};...{ => (<Dogkey={}position={new THREE.Vector3(character.position[0],character.position[1],character.position[2])}dogColor={character.dogColor}/>))}</>);};
By opening multiple windows, it can be tested that multiple dogs appear on the website.
This is a good starting point for React Three Fiber and understanding the 3D environment in Node.js. We looked into using and a simple multiplayer solution during the Three.js example.
The full code can be found at:
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