Part 1: Creating Multiplayer and Diorama Effects
June 17, 2024
June 17, 2024
In this segment, we will discuss the setup of our multiplayer game's environment. Our goal is to create a stunning desert space ambiance in the diorama, featuring effects like sunrise and laser lights. Additionally, we want each player to have a unique color for their character, making it easier to distinguish between players.
You can access the multiplayer game using the following link:
To simplify the multiplayer implementation, we use the service provided by, which is a fantastic tool for integrating multiplayer experiences.
The diorama's design aims to evoke a desert space atmosphere, highlighting elements like sunrise and laser effects. To enhance these visual effects, we increase the bloom intensity. The following code snippet demonstrates how to achieve this effect:
JAVASCRIPTjsxCopy code{!downgradedPerformance && (// disable the postprocessing on low-end devices<EffectComposer multisampling={2}><BloomluminanceThreshold={0}luminanceSmoothing={0.9}height={1000}intensity={3}/><Vignette offset={0.2} darkness={0.5} /><N8AOhalfRescolor="black"aoRadius={2}intensity={1}aoSamples={6}denoiseSamples={4}/><SMAA /></EffectComposer>)}
To make it easier to distinguish between players, we want each astronaut character to have a unique color. We achieve this by modifying the colors in the following places:
JAVASCRIPTjsxCopy codenodes.Character_Hazmat.traverse((child) => {if (child.isMesh && === "Hazmat_Main") {child.material = playerColorMaterial;}if (child.isMesh) {child.castShadow = true;child.receiveShadow = true;}});nodes.Character_Hazmat_Head.traverse((child) => {if (child.isMesh && === "Hazmat_Main") {child.material = playerColorMaterial;}});clone.traverse((child) => {if (child.isMesh && === "Hazmat_Main") {child.material = playerColorMaterial;}if (child.isMesh) {child.castShadow = true;}});
With these settings, we are one step closer to creating an exciting and visually appealing multiplayer game. In the next segment, we will continue with further refinements and enhancements.
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